What are blood clots? Blood clots can be lifesaving when they prevent your body from hemorrhaging. On the contrary, they become life-threatening when they form in the wrong parts of your body, leading to serious medical complications. Here are 6 ways to help prevent blood clots when you travel. 


Stay hydrated by maintaining the recommended 8-10 cups of water per day. This facilitates the proper flow of blood. This is beneficial in preparing you for the following tip due to multiple bathroom trips. 

Walk Frequently

If it is possible attempt to ambulate every 1-2 hours. If you are not sitting in the aisle seat, do not hesitate to ask the person sitting next to you for passage, however, please obey the safety belt warnings.


If you are not ready to get up. While you are sitting down, first flex your foot towards your face, then point it down to the ground, then rotate your ankles in circles. If room permits you, perform leg raises by raising and lowering your legs. 

Change your Position

Adjust positions regularly. If you have adequate space, alternate sitting with one leg up at a time. You can always observe me alternating yoga poses when I travel.

Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are well-fitting in the right places and should be worn for any journeys over 5 hours. They are no longer those unsightly long, white stockings, from back in the days. Although they are still available, you can now purchase super cute ones from Amazon and many other places.

Dress Comfortably

Travel in loose-fitting clothing with few restrictions around your ankles or knees. I’m usually dressed in a t-shirt, tights/joggers, and my must-have is a jacket with a hoodie, with an affiliation to my alumni FAMU.

              Leaving Nigeria
Leaving Nigeria

How I Prevent Blood Clots

Throughout my travels, you can find me doing a combination of one or all of these methods to help my body prevent blood clots. I surely utilized all six for my 14-hour flight to Africa, but my birthday trip was worth it.

Therefore, the next time that you are on a road trip, getting on a long flight, bus or train ride. Attempt one or all six of these simple, beneficial ways to help prevent blood clots while you travel.

Have you tried any of those six ways? If not what other ways do you help your body prevent blood clots?

“It’s better to travel well than to arrive”

~ Buddha

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and should not replace the medical advice of your healthcare professional. 

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