This page is where my journey begins as a nurse, a traveler and eventually a travel nurse.

A travel nurse with wanderlust in her eyes
This page is where my journey begins as a nurse, a traveler and eventually a travel nurse.
I first heard about this event a few years ago and immediately fell in love with the colors and atmosphere. You get to wear pink and white and sip Rosé while partying with other lovely ladies. I missed the events in Atlanta, Houston, and Washington, D.C., so I couldn’t miss the one in Chicago on …
It was towards the end of April and Marcy and I were both between travel nursing assignments. We wanted to do something for Cinco de Mayo, and we could not agree on a location. We were about to give up, when after a late-night session of Pinterest and Google flight searches, I made the executive …
Apologies for this overdue blog post and for being so quiet on the keyboard, but I do have to talk about how My 2021 was amazing and adventurous. After relentlessly working during the pandemic in 2020, I had a different outlook for 2021. You must experience life in the way that it makes sense to …
Here are 6 ways to help prevent blood clots when you travel.
Here are 8 simple ways to keep you entertained on your long travels.
I was approaching the end of my second travel nurse assignment in Massachusetts and I needed to get my car back to Florida. Initially, to get to my travel assignment I drove from Florida to Massachusetts and I refused to complete that drive for a second time. It was a 48-hour solo road trip that …
Here I provide my steps on how I budget as a travel nurse.
Akwaaba! Akwaaba was the first word from many Ghanaians, which means welcome in Twi, one of the most widely spoken languages in Ghana. We were welcomed in such a warm loving way by many. Smiles were exchanged and many courtesies were given providing us with a sense of comfort. Therefore, confirming why Ghana was placed …
This is the beginning of how West Africa stole my heart for my 32nd birthday. I give general details about my trip to Ghana and Nigeria.
My Leap In August 2014, I took a leap of faith and jumped into the field of travel nursing, which I don’t regret one second. I gave my home hospital of 3 years my two weeks’ notice and headed to my first travel assignment in Miami. I was so adamant on starting this journey, that …